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Jean Monnet Module (2018-2021)

Start: 01-09-2018 - End: 31-08-2021

Project Reference: 599704-EPP-1-2018-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE

EU Grant: 22680 EUR

FB Group of the Project


Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Jean Monnet Activities

Action Type: Jean Monnet Academic Modules



The process of assimilation of common European values in Ukraine is impossible without making an effort to overcome the totalitarian past. The project "European Antitotalitarian Practices" suggests a new university course. Its key idea is the acknowledgment of the European Union as a real alternative to the threat of reproduction of totalitarian practices in Ukraine and worldwide.


Primary target groups are students, post-graduate students, staff, and administration of Chernihiv national pedagogical university, the pupils and teachers of secondary schools of Chernihiv region, scholars, city and region authorities, and wide audience.


The project is aimed to provide young people with the following knowledge:

1) the concept of totalitarianism and mechanisms of its reproduction

2) anti-totalitarian European practices and the possibilities of their implementation in Ukraine and worldwide. The course aims to train skills of 1) critical thinking; 2) opposition to informational manipulation of consciousness; 3) recognition of totalitarian reminiscences in new hybrid forms; 4) usage of European anti-totalitarian technologies; 5) suggesting Ukrainian antitotalitarian practices, which can be relevant to Europe.


The project main activities; teaching (90 hours per year, 8 teachers engaged) research-to-practice conferences, round-table debate, educational game, competition on scientific works for secondary school pupils of 10–11 forms. The students will receive the first research experience in EU studies, post-graduate alumni – first teaching experience.


The expected impact includes awareness by target groups the most effective European antitotalitarian practices, mechanisms, and competences of their implementation in Ukraine and worldwide. We expect growing interest in European Studies of school graduates, university post-graduates, and colleagues from other HEI of Ukraine and abroad.



Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners



The monograph explores the structure and topics of Shakespeare’s King Lear. The tragedy is seen in the widest cultural context: from its mythological sources and parallels to its influence on contemporary art, namely,
on the genre of thriller.


For scholars and students of humanities and for all those who are interested in the problems of formation and history of the contemporary culture.

The publication has been funded with support from the European Union. The publication reflects the views only the opinions of the author and the Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



The block of didactic materials for organizing of the teaching process for students of the educational institutions of the III–IV levels of accreditation. It contains the program of the course; the dictionary with basic terms; the criteria of evaluation of students’ achievements; the structure of the Thematic Module 1; plan of practical classes with methodic recommendations; questions for self-control and recommended literature for Module 1.



The block of didactic materials for organizing of the teaching process for students of the educational institutions of the III–IV levels of accreditation. It contains the program of the course; the dictionary with basic terms; the criteria of evaluation of students’ achievements; the structure of the Thematic Module 2; plan of practical classes with methodic recommendations; questions for self-control and recommended literature for Module 2.

Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector​

  • Scientific Articles

1) Столяр М. Б. Українська політика: закони Мерфі. Релігія, релігійність, філософія та гуманітаристика в сучасному інформаційному просторі: національний та інтернаціональний аспекти. Матеріали ХІХ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (29-30 грудня 2019 р.). Канада, Монреаль: СPM «ASF», 2019. (on peer-review process)

Scientific and public activities

Holding an international round table "Antitotalitarian cultural practices" June 25, 2019, Chernihiv

(Reports on anti-totalitarian issues were made by Stolyar M.B., Keda M.K., Borisov O.O.)


An information letter of the International Scientific Conference "European antitotalitarian cultural practices" was prepared; communication with possible participants of the event, search for foreign partners on the basis of this topic. The time and place of the conference have been determined (June 26-27, 2020; T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium").


- A story about the anti-totalitarian content of laughter culture among the residents of Chernihiv and the region, in particular the speech of prof. Stolyar M.B. on the radio

- 08.11.2019 performance of Keda M.K. on Erasmus+ infodays Ukraine, Kyiv

- Posting information about international round table «Anti-totalitarian cultural practices» on page #JeanMonnet30 - 30th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Activities

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